
Friday, 20 February 2015

Going for Coffee

Earlier this week we went to local St. James cafe San Vito Coffee House for an after school cappuccino.  They always have great food and a good atmosphere for spending some time.

 Tomorrow, Saturday, we will go and check out the Festival du Voyageur, an annual 10 day winter festival celebrating French-Canadian culture and Canada's fur-trading past, with entertainers, activities, and  snow sculpture competitors from all over the world.  See you there!

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Canadian Cooking Classes

Last week all of our new semester 2 students participated in our Canadian Cooking and Living classes, to get used to a Canadian kitchen and learn how to make themselves a meal.  Everyone made spaghetti and chocolate chip cookies.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

More Welcome Lunches

Yesterday we went to Sturgeon Heights Collegiate for lunch, and today, John Taylor Collegiate.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Semester 2 is Underway

The new semester started last week, and this week we started having lunches at each school to welcome our new students.  This was our lunch at Westwood on Monday:

We had our first Canadian Cooking and Living Workshop last night, and will have the second one tomorrow night.  Also, last weekend Hikaru went to Edmonton with the John Taylor Collegiate basketball team to play, and a lot of students are making the most of winter and have been skated, including Inigo.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Hellos & Goodbyes

This weekend we had some sad goodbyes at the airport but also some excited hellos.  We are looking forward to a great new semester!